"Ralston Real Estate Group brings a wealth of experience to Temecula and Southern California Real Estate business, including past sales in excess of $130 million. With expertise in residential homes, large estates, luxury homes and acreage, combined with a strong background in tough negotiations, contract analytics, and even short sale and foreclosure certification, Ralston Real Estate Group offers a level of service second to none." (text source: Ralston website)

Client: Jake Ralston, Ralston Real Estate Group | https://ralstonre.com

Brand identity: Seth Cox
Original feather shape vector graphic provided by Jake
Outlines for the Annual/Quarterly map: Miroslav Ivanov
Role: Continue on brand, print collateral, social media posting and graphics, website updates and graphics, motion graphics, photo editing and resizing, video updates, maps, signage, email sigs

// Projects //
Projects included Branding: Expanded on brand elements — build out logomark, icon system, vertical type treatment; Print: New designs Coming Soon, For Sale brochures and mailers for listings, Event invite mailers, Housing Market update mailers with MLS and data manager, neighborhood sales mapboards for events, listing and sponsorship ads for magazine and booklet inserts; Social: New designs Listings, community event graphics, captions (minus listing copywrite), post on social media channels, Manage social channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Business, and YouTube channel: Uploading vids, backend SEO, iCards, endscreens, building out playlists for listings and agents, build out Holiday and Event graphics, SproutSocial; Web: Update WordPress backend for listings landing pages and client/case studies, HTML email sig updates for agents; Motion: Logomark, Lower thirds, Agent end slates and YouTube endscreen animations, and parcel outline overlays and motion tracking for some of the land videos; Photo: Listing photos and agent headshots resize, file naming for print and web, Batch export watermark photos; Video: Add logo animation intro and end slates, lower thirds, and YouTube endscreen, cut different length videos for social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube; Digital: Vector maps for neighborhoods for upcoming listings, prep graphics for client/case studies; Signage: Build out signage for listing status updates, open houses; Operations: Build out templates working files, file/folder structure system assist on Drive, assist setup of tasks and boards on Trello, training. Some projects and style of some projects from here were intermediately rolled over to Jake's partnered company La Cresta Real Estate projects (View post here)

// Logomark, animation, and animated GIF for Google profile pic //
// Icons System for print and social marketing //
// Annual Housing Market Update crossfold mailer //
Original feather shape vector graphic on cover provided by Jake. Original is on Quarterly project cover a couple projects down. Outlines for map by Miroslav Ivanov
// Listing Presentation booklet //
Direction on paint style of social icons from Jake

// Past Sales sheets //
// Quarterly Housing Market Update bifold mailer //
Feather shape vector graphic on cover provided by Jake. Outlines for map by Miroslav Ivanov
// Monthly Housing Market Update mailer //
// It Pays to Choose and Ralston listings mailer //
// Golf Course Score Card small scale ads in different sizes //
// Listing brochure bifold and one sheet mailers and map //
One version for cover vertical text set up for mailbox drops and map aligns same direction
// Sitemap/Floorplan and Parcel maps //
Original floorplan to modify provided by Ralston is a couple images down
// Social graphics and posting for listing status updates and events //
// Listing photo/Fb album watermark photo edit out cars – Before and After //
// Motion for logo intro, R mark, titles, lower thirds, end slates for listing, event, marketing videos //
Vertical swipes style direction of logo intro and audio provided by Jake
// Parcel outline overlays and Motion Tracking for some of the land videos //
// YouTube channel built out, process uploading videos, video covers //
// Social graphics and posting for Ralston general marketing and holidays //
// Email HTML signatures and branded social media icons //
// Signage and Feather Flags for listings statuses and events //
Layout of "House For Sale" for top three signs and "Land For Sale" provided by Jake
// Face mask artwork for COVID //
// Thanks for viewing //
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