Client: Emi Housekeeping
Role: Branding, stationary
// Projects //
Project was originally for a business card design for Emi Housekeeping, lead to experimenting with a logo to go on the business card. Notes were to make it minimal and friendly keeping her clients in mind and to keep in mind that maybe a family or anyone looking for someone trustworthy, friendly, and professional and trusting her company to maintain their homes.
// Final Logo //
Role: Branding, stationary
// Projects //
Project was originally for a business card design for Emi Housekeeping, lead to experimenting with a logo to go on the business card. Notes were to make it minimal and friendly keeping her clients in mind and to keep in mind that maybe a family or anyone looking for someone trustworthy, friendly, and professional and trusting her company to maintain their homes.
// Final Logo //
// Options //
// Final Business Card //
// Application //
// Thanks for viewing //