Previous Product Line Brand Identity Pitch to Agency/Client for potential projects
Role: Product line brand identity, logo, name, packaging mockups, photo color edits

// Projects //

Product line brand identity, logo, name, packaging mockup options, and placement visuals presented as sample project pitch for one of Vitamin Talent's clients (can't put their name here since couldn't take the assign) for a possible short-term previous. Their client was looking for an aesthetic for a cosmetic product line and wanted visuals of the art direction for the product line branding and packaging. They provided a Pinterest link of lifestyle photos for inspiration, some of the shots are on the moodboard slide on this post. Color palette for the pitch was pulled from the lifestyle photos on the Pinterest board. Also said they liked NastyGal and Revolve Clothing and to check out those brands' aesthetics. Their client ended up liking this direction and landed the opportunity, but had to turn it down because of a schedule conflict. Continued on it as a sample project.

// Logo Variations //
// Mood board, color palette, typeface //
Individual photos from Pinterest provided by Agency/Client for brand inspiration
// Working file //
// Brand elements and logo placements //
// Packaging mockups – Front panel layout options //
// Photo style, brand elements, texture, logo placements //
Photos below color edited. Originals from
// Brand patterns, elements, texture, logo placements //
// Thanks for viewing //
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