"Benchmark Properties is a team of experienced, licensed real estate agents serving the San Diego area. With a proven track record of getting results quickly and a direct line of communication at all times." (text source: Benchmark website)
Client: Lee Arnold, Benchmark Properties | https://www.benchmarksocal.com
Brand identity: ___
Total stats column style shared by Sergio Gonzalez, owner of SG Associates
Style of Mapboard layout, footer, compass: Seth Cox and shared by SG Associates
Role: Continue on brand, print collateral, social media posting and graphics, email blasts and graphics, photo editing and resizing, maps, signage, email sigs, prep assets for motion graphics, logo for event
// Projects //
Projects included Branding: Expanded on brand elements; Print: New designs Coming Soon, For Sale brochures and mailers for listings, Event invite mailers, Housing Market update mailers with MLS and data manager, neighborhood sales mapboards for events, event posterboards, sponsorship ad, listing presentation deck; Social: New designs listings, community event graphics, captions, post on social media channels, Manage social channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Business, YouTube channel: Uploading vids, backend SEO, iCards, endscreens, building out playlists for listings and agents, build out Holiday and Event graphics, Buffer app and SproutSocial, TikTok posts; Web: HTML email sig updates for agents; Email: New email graphics, Build out email blast templates based on previous email templates of company, Update/send out in MailChimp for new listings, open houses, premieres, coming soon, just sold listing emails; Branding: Logo for Cookout community event; Photo: Listing photos and agent headshots resize, file naming for print and web, Batch export watermark photos, GeoTag; Maps: Vector maps for neighborhoods for upcoming listings; Signage: For listing status updates, open houses, events, traffic; Operations: Build out templates working files, file/folder structure system assist on Drive, assist setup of tasks and boards on Trello, some project and printer coordination, training. Benchmark and SG Associates shared some content (View SGA post here): Style of graphs and totals column on the Year In Review and style of Mapboard layout, footer, compass.
// Listing Presentation Booklet – 11x8.5in layout //
Client: Lee Arnold, Benchmark Properties | https://www.benchmarksocal.com
Brand identity: ___
Total stats column style shared by Sergio Gonzalez, owner of SG Associates
Style of Mapboard layout, footer, compass: Seth Cox and shared by SG Associates
Role: Continue on brand, print collateral, social media posting and graphics, email blasts and graphics, photo editing and resizing, maps, signage, email sigs, prep assets for motion graphics, logo for event
// Projects //
Projects included Branding: Expanded on brand elements; Print: New designs Coming Soon, For Sale brochures and mailers for listings, Event invite mailers, Housing Market update mailers with MLS and data manager, neighborhood sales mapboards for events, event posterboards, sponsorship ad, listing presentation deck; Social: New designs listings, community event graphics, captions, post on social media channels, Manage social channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Business, YouTube channel: Uploading vids, backend SEO, iCards, endscreens, building out playlists for listings and agents, build out Holiday and Event graphics, Buffer app and SproutSocial, TikTok posts; Web: HTML email sig updates for agents; Email: New email graphics, Build out email blast templates based on previous email templates of company, Update/send out in MailChimp for new listings, open houses, premieres, coming soon, just sold listing emails; Branding: Logo for Cookout community event; Photo: Listing photos and agent headshots resize, file naming for print and web, Batch export watermark photos, GeoTag; Maps: Vector maps for neighborhoods for upcoming listings; Signage: For listing status updates, open houses, events, traffic; Operations: Build out templates working files, file/folder structure system assist on Drive, assist setup of tasks and boards on Trello, some project and printer coordination, training. Benchmark and SG Associates shared some content (View SGA post here): Style of graphs and totals column on the Year In Review and style of Mapboard layout, footer, compass.
// Listing Presentation Booklet – 11x8.5in layout //

// Listing Presentation Booklet – 8x8in layout //

// Year In Review trifold //
Style of graphs and totals column shared by SG Associates
Style of graphs and totals column shared by SG Associates

// Flyers and Housing Market one sheet mailers //
Option to try black background: Lee Arnold
Option to try black background: Lee Arnold

// Posterboards for events //
Style of Mapboard layout, footer, compass: Seth Cox and shared by SG Associates
Style of Mapboard layout, footer, compass: Seth Cox and shared by SG Associates

// Mailer, Flyer postcard, Sponsorship book ad //

// Business card, Letterhead – Halloween one sheet //
Original business card below left provided to update
Original business card below left provided to update

// Food Truck Events campaign – Banner, mailer, social media/video cover graphics and posting //
Food Truck vector graphic from Freepik.com and modified for different size collateral
Food Truck vector graphic from Freepik.com and modified for different size collateral

// Listing Collateral – Brochures, Case Study mailers, Coming Soon posterboards for events //

// Signage and Banners //

// Social graphics and posting for listing status updates and events //

// Icons System for print and social marketing //
Built out with Font Awesome icons and some modified
Built out with Font Awesome icons and some modified

// YouTube channel built out, process uploading videos, YouTube endscreen, listing and other marketing videos cover art //

// Branded static graphics built out for animator to prep animated GIFs for IG/Fb Stories //

// Social graphics and posting for Benchmark general marketing and holidays //

// IG/Fb Stories posts //
Experimenting with layout, type treatment, IG Effects and animated GIFs pulled from the IG Effects and GIPHY galleries
Experimenting with layout, type treatment, IG Effects and animated GIFs pulled from the IG Effects and GIPHY galleries

// Email Blasts – Build out graphics, Prep and send out emails //

// Email HTML signatures //

// Logo for Community event //
Inspired by provided sample Oscar Mayer Front Yard Cookout logo
Inspired by provided sample Oscar Mayer Front Yard Cookout logo

// Google Meet backgrounds //
Masked out Lee from screenshot of one of his videos and used for placement mockups of what the background would look like behind Lee when on a Google Meet call. Arles Sandoval made a radial gradient glowing from the top for a brand element that looks really good. Incorporated it on the Google Meet backgrounds #3 and 4 below
Masked out Lee from screenshot of one of his videos and used for placement mockups of what the background would look like behind Lee when on a Google Meet call. Arles Sandoval made a radial gradient glowing from the top for a brand element that looks really good. Incorporated it on the Google Meet backgrounds #3 and 4 below

// Thanks for viewing //